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Welcome to NSYSU Library

All freshmen are welcome to use the facilities in the library.
Please pay attention to the following reminders and they will be helpful to you.
I. Enter the Library
1. Please swipe your student ID card (RFID card) issued by NSYSU in the entrance. A student ID card is restricted to personal use only. It is strictly prohibited to lend your student ID card to others to enter the library or borrow books.
2. Please conform to the rules of NSYSU Library to maintain the quality of the reading environment.
(1) Any food, beverages and animals in the library are not allowed. Violators will get one demerit point and be suspended from using the facilities of the library.
(2) Smoking, chatting loudly and reciting are not allowed.
(3) Please mute your mobile phone after entering the library. (Please go to the Cell-phone use room in 9th floor if you would like to use your mobile phone.)
II. Borrow Books and Return Books
(1) All undergraduates are restricted to borrow 30 books and reserve 5 books at most for 30 days.
(2) All graduate and doctoral students are restricted to borrow 50 books and reserve 5 books at most for 30 days.
(3) You can renew the books on line by going to “View Your Circulation Record” on the website of NSYSU Library 7 days before the books expire.
(4) If other people reserve the books you renew, the expiration period will be shortened to 14 days.
Please return the books you borrow by the expiration date. There will be an overdue fine if you do not return the books on time.
All overdue materials are fined NT$5 per day per item.
Borrowing privileges are suspended automatically if readers do not return the books on time or if the overdue fines are over NT$150. The readers cannot also renew or reserve books on line.
III. Check Personal Circulation Record (Including Reservation and Renewal)
Please enter your name and ID number plus “0”(“0” is necessary.)
(ID number plus check digit – 0 for the first ID card, 1 for the first time reissue, 2 for the second time reissue…)
IV. Library Notice
The library provides services of e-mail notice of coming expiration, over due, arrival of reserved books, recall, etc.
NSYSU e-mailboxes will be used as freshmen’s e-mailboxes tentatively.
E-mail notice of borrowing and returning books is only a reminder. For individual rights, readers should check personal circulation records frequently.
V. Discussion RoomsDiscussion rooms are located from the 6th floor to the 10th floor. With a student ID card, a user can borrow a discussion room for 4 hours at one time per day.
VI. Study CarrelsOnly graduate students are allowed to use study carrels. There are 22 study carrels which the keys should be returned in each day. There are 56 study carrels which can be used for a month per room per person. (Please check status of use on the Internet : Library Catalog à Choose “Book Name” à Enter : Study Carrel Key) Please refer to “Study Carrel User Guide” for further information.
If you have any questions, please e-mail to : cirlib@mail.nsysu.edu.tw 
Tel : 07-5252000 # 2426 ( or 2427)  
Circulation Department
3F, Office of Library and Information Services
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