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Thesis /Dissertation Authorization Alteration or Replacement

  1. Before graduation, if students had passed the thesis review and would like to resubmit a new thesis or change the authorization, please contact the library (E-mail:etd@mail.nsysu.edu.tw), who will remove the review results and you will need to go through the thesis submission process again.
  2. After graduation, if you would like to resubmit your thesis or change the authorization, you must fill out the "NSYSU Thesis /Dissertation Authorization Alteration or Replacement" form which is signed by the advisor and the department supervisor, and then contact the library for an application. (Attention. After students apply for thesis change, the thesis submission system still retains the original approved version of the dissertation for the record.)
  3. Please bring the signed application form, a hard copy of the thesis, and the electronic thesis (PDF) to the Library in person or by mail.
  4. To apply for a thesis replacement, please also provide the following documents.
    1. Graduate after academic year 108-2:Similarity report of the resubmitted thesis.
    2. Graduate after academic year 109-2.:Statement of Academic Ethics.

※According to the Ministry of Education's Official document No.0970140061 dated July 23, 2008: The author may delay the publication of the thesis for a maximum of 5 years, and should avoid never publishing it.

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