


Renovating the Way : Sun Yat-sen and his Era


開放時間|週一至週五 9:00-21:00,週六、日及國定假日不開放









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謹訂111年10月7日上午時間10點-12點,於本校圖資大樓3樓藝文展覽室舉辦《發揚道統:孫中山時代展 Renovating the Way : Sun Yat-sen and his Era》開幕儀式,現場將有文物收藏名家國立清華大學楊儒賓教授與本校中國文學系莫加南(Mark McConaghy)教授,為大家帶來精彩的文物與展覽導覽。

下午時間2點-5點,於本校文學院文7006舉辦「中華民國作為共業?—民國與台灣國際論壇 The ROC as a Common Project? An International Discussion on the Republic and Taiwan」論壇,邀請海內外國際學者共同與談,歡迎中山師生前往聆聽。

Macabe Keliher(美國南方衛理會大學歷史系教授)

Sun Yat-sen


中國文學系莫加南(Mark McConaghy)助理教授 撰文

孫中山 (1866-1925) 是誰?何謂他的革命?而其理念在當今的台灣還有意義嗎?本展覽以晚清民初的書法、照片、報紙、藝術品等不同媒介的珍稀文物,引領觀覽者思考孫文在想像、孕育中華民國時所展現的價值體系和文化理念,探索中華民國的現代轉型如何誕生。


儘管孫文領受西方思潮洗禮,然其早年亦受過紮實的傳統儒家教育,與之同代的知識份子有康有為(1858-1927)、梁啟超(1873-1929)、譚嗣同(1865-1898)等。這群新式儒紳認為:中華世界的「現代性」並不等於徹底揚棄原有傳統社會的精神,而是一漸進式的革新。其中,與五四時期的反傳統主義者或稍晚的馬克思主義革命者相比,孫文的政治主張提供更溫和、更具延續性的現代性轉型路線。據此,本展覽以「發揚道統 」為題,即是採用孫文自身說法來揭櫫革命目的:如何在現代歷史的進步脈絡下彰顯中華世界的人道傳統,於文化賡續與創新之間取得平衡。




Who was Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925), what was his revolution, and are the ideals of his era still relevant to 2022 Taiwan? This exhibit utilizes calligraphic works, photographs, newspaper clippings, material objects, and art works from the late Qing and early Republican eras to to engage viewers in a multi-media exploration of the process of modern transformation that gave birth to the Republic of China. In particular, the exhibit focuses on the ideals that were mobilized by Sun in imagining what this new Republic could be for the Chinese world.

Sun was a polyglot figure, born to a Cantonese family of modest means at the southern edges of the old Qing imperium. From an early age he was in contact with foreign languages and cultures. He would spend an extensive period of the first four decades of his life in Hawaii and British Hong Kong, where he studied Western medicine, became proficient in English, converted to Christianity, and agitated for Republicanism in China, inspired by a deep desire to overthrow what he understood to be a lethargic and unresponsive imperial system.

Yet despite these many foreign influences, Sun also had an extensive training early in his life in the Confucian classics, being of the same generation of thinkers such as Kang Youwei (1858-1927), Liang Qichao (1873-1929), and Tan Sitong (1865-1898). These were new style literati for whom modernity did not mean a complete abandonment of the traditional Chinese life world, but its gradual renovation. Sun’s political path thus came to represent a more moderate, but also perhaps more sustainable, vision of Chinese modernity than those offered later by May Fourth iconoclasts and revolutionary Marxists. This exhibit is thus entitled “Renovating the Way,” which was an expression used by Sun himself to describe the goals of his revolution: to enable the broad humanistic ethos of the Chinese world to express itself in modern and progressive terms, finding a balance between preservation and innovation in the 20th century. 

Sun’s vision of modernity also had tremendous influence in early 20th century Taiwan, then enduring Japanese colonial occupation. Members of the anti-Japanese colonial opposition such as Chiang Wei-shui, Lin Hsien-tang, and Lian Heng turned to modern Chinese nationalist thought for inspiration regarding how to think nation, modernity, and enlightenment. Sun’s revolution is therefore internal to the history of Taiwan itself, being a critical resource through which Taiwanese intellectuals of the colonial period thought self, collectivity, and futurity.

The exhibit is thus organized around three major themes: the international, Sino, and local dimensions of Sun’s revolution. It is hoped that viewers will use the exhibition of these rare historical materials as a jumping off point for their own reflections on the meaning of Sun’s revolution and the ideals of the Republic it fostered, a state which continues to thrive on the island of Taiwan today. Has the renovation of the Way been completed? What elements of the humanistic tradition of the Sino-world have been lost in our rush towards modernity? What work is left to be done as we seek to balance our Sino-cultural roots with transcultural internationalization? 





NSYSUSinologyliterature      LibraryNTHUNTHU



Chinese     Sun Yat-sen


展覽諮詢請洽|策略企劃組 邱小姐, 07-5252000分機2413, ​E-mail:chiu9137@mail.nsysu.edu.tw

Office of Library and Information Services, Chiu, Yu-Ya, Tel: 07-5252000 ext.2413, E-mail:chiu9137@mail.nsysu.edu.tw

上架日期 2022/9/28
更新日期 2022/10/8, 2022/10/14

承辦單位: 策略企劃組
連絡分機: 2413
開始日期: 2022-09-28
活動類型: 主題書展