

歡迎參觀跨文化漢學主題書展 Explorations in Trans-Cultural Sinology


Explorations in Trans-Cultural Sinology




2021年在本校中文系莫加南教授的努力,極積爭取申請美國漢學家查爾斯·霍納(Charles Horner )先生珍藏30年,1,636冊的中外文漢學圖書,贈送國立中山大學,典藏於圖書館,歷經2個月的國際跨海運送,迎來這批珍貴的書籍,主題涵蓋中國歷史、社會、經濟、哲學、文化、藝術等研究,對充實本校圖書智庫,往前邁進一大步。

77歲的查爾斯·霍納(Charles Horner),曾任美國助理國務卿、新聞署副署長等,任內關心美國與亞洲各國的關係,他也是哈德遜研究所資深研究員,研究中華文化廿餘年。他的大半人生,不論是職業生涯或興趣探索,皆與國際漢學息息相關。



為表達對查爾斯·霍納(Charles Horner)先生、中文系莫加南教授及所有對本校漢學館藏建置及引進過程,曾付出心力的教授及同仁們表達感謝,圖書館特舉辦「跨文化漢學主題書展」,展出查爾斯·霍納(Charles Horner)先生贈送圖書及館藏外文漢學書籍,並籌畫拍攝「跨文化漢學之島:國際漢學平台在中山」動畫影片,誠摯邀請您到場參觀。




Explorations in Trans-Cultural Sinology

Exhibition Time


Exhibition Location

3F, Art Exhibition Room, Office of Library and Information Services, National Sun Yat-sen University

Exhibition Introduction
In 2021, through the efforts of Mark Frederick McConaghy Assistant Professor Department of Chinese Literature, the University actively pursued the application of Mr. Charles Horner, an American sinologist, to complete a 30-year collection of 1,636 volumes of Chinese books in Chinese and foreign languages, which were given to National Sun Yat-sen University for collection in the library. This is a major step forward in enriching our library's think tank.

Charles Horner, 77 years old, a former Assistant Secretary of State and Deputy Press Secretary, has been concerned with relations between the United States and Asian countries during his tenure and is a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, where he has studied Chinese culture for more than 20 years. For most of his life, he has been involved in international sinology, both in his professional career and in his interests.

From 2009 to 2012, Professor Chien, Chin Sung of Department of Chinese Literature, applied for the "East Asian Sinology III: A Study of Korean Chinese Literary Tradition," which introduced 7,796 books on Korean Sinology.

From 2014 to 2016, Professor Yang, Ya-Hui of Department of Chinese Literature, applied for the "European Sinology" book research project, which introduced 2,263 titles of Chinese books from 16 European countries (especially Germany and Austria, as well as the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, and Belgium).

To express our gratitude to Mr. Charles Horner, Mark Frederick McConaghy Assistant Professor Department of Chinese Literature, and all the professors and colleagues who have contributed to the establishment and introduction of the Chinese Studies Collection, the Library is pleased to present the " Explorations in Trans-Cultural Sinology", which will showcase the books presented by Mr. Charles Horner and the Chinese Studies Collection in foreign languages, and prepare an animated video entitled "The Transcultural Sino-Island: The Global Sinology Forum at National Sun Yat-sen University", we cordially invite you to visit.


展覽相關問題請洽:圖書與資訊處策略企劃組 邱小姐, 07-5252000分機2413, ​E-mail:chiu9137@mail.nsysu.edu.tw

Contact for questions:Office of Library and Information Services, Yu-ya Chiu, Tel: 07-5252000 ext.2413, E-mail:chiu9137@mail.nsysu.edu.tw


開始日期: 2020-01-19
活動類型: 主題書展