

繳納滯還金通知 overdue fine payment notification


1. 若無法到校繳納滯還金,請使用繳款系統:https://payment.nsysu.edu.tw/olprs70/pay.asp
 選擇「圖書館年費(圖書處理費) - 12KL1200」,填寫資料並列印繳款單,

2. 繳款後請填寫本表單,並上傳繳費證明單,以便進行對帳作業。

1. Payment: Please go to the Online Payment System: https://payment.nsysu.edu.tw/olprs70/pay.asp,
then choose the Department = “Office of Library and Information Service” and Item---Account No = “12KL1200---12KL1200”.
ill in the information and print out the payment slip. Payment can be made through a bank, convenience store or ATM transfer.

2. Filling in notification after payment:Fill in this form and upload the proof of payment for us to reconcile.
If everything is correct, the system will send an e-mail notification to you (about two working days).

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